Monday, March 19, 2012

I took Friday off to spend the day with Paige on her 23rd birthday.  We went to see John Carter and then to lunch at Cafe Rio.  We stopped by F.Y.E. to spend her birthday money and then home to prep for the opening night of "Anne of Green Gables."  It was a splendid day.  I enjoyed being with Paige and eating yummy food and seeing John Carter.  The show went super well and the audiences are loving it.  I have a wonderful life.

I hadn't wanted to see John Carter.  I just didn't care, but I loved it!  I don't care if it didn't follow the book to the letter, having never read it, so the story was fun and very entertaining.  I know that there are those "purest" out there (Jim Adams), but as far as I'm concerned, John Carter was well worth the money.  I was going to do a little review of it, but I don't want to.  I'll just say this..... if you were wondering whether or not to go....... Just do it!  It was filmed in Utah, so the scenery is great.  The actor playing John Carter is fairly handsome, so the eye candy is great.  And last, but not least, the story is fun and interesting.  The music is fabulous and I came away feeling good.

Rachel went to a multi-stake dance Saturday night.  She wore green and had a great time with all of her friends.  I'll post pictures soon.

Rachel also spent a couple of hours last week in the ER.  Nothing serious, in fact...... Nothing SERIOUS at all.  She had run her finger through the sewing machine at school.  The secretary thought there was still the needle tip in her finger.  X-rays showed nothing.  So I have a 400 dollar ER bill for Rachel's newest story.  Sheesh!

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