Strep. Been plagued with it for years now. Going to the doctor soon. I think I should just be able to call in for my own drugs. I know what it is even without a culture, but I guess the doctors need to make their money somehow. Should I post a picture? I didn't think so. Besides, I don't know how, so the point it moot.
Blood. I was going to give blood today, I'm O- so everyone wants it, but I have strep. If you're ever in need of a transfusion, look me up. If I don't have strep, I'm your gal.
Effects. I'm looking for sound effects for the play. A train whistle, children talking and playing, and a school bell. I'm going to have to wait till Scott gets home. He's the one who knows how to down load them and record them onto a CD. I don't know how to do that either. Gosh, I'm very illiterate. Computer savvy I am not. Savvy? I do love that word, however.
Words. This is my last one for today. Sunny! Okay, one more.... WooHoo!
Feel better Lynne. Love your blog!