This is what I learned this weekend.
Drink water! Walk to work! Don't eat three pieces of cake!
Don't kill your 20 year old son, Michael, for getting yet another tattoo and a piercing. Love your family and talk to them. Pray together and only watch a couple episodes of "Smallville" each day, not 7.
Enjoy the weather. At least for the 5 minutes it's sunny. We do live in Utah after all.
Youth knows all. So don't get offended when they tell you they know all about their new calling because they've done it already. And then to get back at them, leave out some important piece of information. They'll soon learn that they don't know everything. Spiteful of me, I know.
Make appointments to get your hair colored, whether it's with your brother or someone else.
And last, but not least...... Sleep instead of playing cards on the computer. You'll feel better in the morning.
Whew! How could I have gone through so many years of life, and not KNOW these things! Lynne, you are funny, and I am enjoying your blog!